Mediate This!
Mediate This!
Farewell Sydney
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast.
Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points:
- Assume nothing.
- Know who you are before you get married.
- Know who you're getting married to.
- Know the laws and statutes in the state you live in.
- Don't take advice from anyone who isn't a legal professional in the state in which you're getting married and living in.
If you have a matter, disagreement, or dispute you need professional help with then visit iMediate.com - Email mbrickman@ichatmediation or Call (877) 822-1479
Matthew Brickman is a Florida Supreme Court certified family and appellate mediator who has worked in the 15th and 19th Judicial Circuit Courts since 2009 and 2006 respectively. But what makes him qualified to speak on the subject of conflict resolution is his own personal experience with divorce.
Download Matthew's book on iTunes for FREE:
You're Not the Only One - The Agony of Divorce: The Joy of Peaceful Resolution
Matthew Brickman
President iMediate Inc.
Mediator 20836CFA
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Matthew Brickman is a Supreme Court of Florida certified county civil family mediator who has worked in the 15th and 19th Judicial Circuit Courts since 2009 and 2006 respectively. He is also an appellate certified mediator who mediates a variety of small claims, civil, and family cases. Mr. Brickman recently graduated both the Harvard Business School Negotiation Mastery Program and the Negotiation Master Class at Harvard Law School.
Hi, I'm Matthew Brickman, Florida Supreme court mediator. Welcome to the Mediate This! Podcast where we discuss everything mediation and conflict resolution. So this is a farewell podcast, but not a goodbye . So let me just preface this with a story. It was the year 1990 and a movie came out called Pump Up the Volume starring Christian Slater. Not sure if you've seen it, but if you haven't, let me catch you up. So Christian's character, his name was Mark, and he was an intelligent be shy teenager who had just moved to Arizona from the east coast and his parents gave him the short wave radio so that he could talk to his friends back east. But instead he ended up setting up shop as a pirate dj. And eventually the authorities were called in to try to put a stop to his broadcast, and it's a great movie. Okay, so what does that have to do with a podcast? Well, Adam Curry, who was a former MTV vj , he was one of the originals and a man named David Weiner . They are credited for the invention of podcasting in 2004. So a number of years after this movie, pump up the volume now due to this movie, pump Up the Volume in 1990. And then thanks to Adam Curry and David Weiner , I started my very first podcast in 2006. So two years after Adam Curry and David Weiner had created podcasting. And I did it for a while and I got bored and I stopped as it just didn't seem to be taking off. And I thought that, you know, podcasting was more of a fad than a new medium for reaching the masses. Probably stood should have just stuck to it in 2006. But in any case, I stopped. So fast forward to the beginning of 2020. In the beginning of 2020, I was encouraged by my marketing director to start a podcast. And I wasn't too excited to do so as I informed him that I had Podcasted prior and just didn't think it really was anything. And he said, oh, no, no, no, no, it is the thing now. So still wasn't all that enthused about it, but I met a girl, her name was Sydney and she was the communications manager at Generation Church in Jupiter, Florida. And we had become friends in March of 2020. Sydney and I were talking about life and what was happening with her and me and little did we know what was coming later in March of 2020. But I told her about the idea of podcasting and she loved the idea and she offered to help and thus that started our journey together here. So through the years , Sydney um , has brought a lot to this podcast that I think all of you would probably agree with. She was a great asset to the podcast and Sydney moved away from Jupiter, but we were still podcasting long distance and Sydney was working, she was going to school and eventually she graduated, which made it a little bit more difficult to find time to actually record and be part of the show. But I am happy to announce that as of September 28th, 2024, Sydney got married and she is now on a new and exciting chapter in her life and I could not be happier for her. Sydney , if you're listening and I hope you still are. I am so grateful for your encouragement and your participation through the years, and I wish you the absolute best. I could not have had a better partner and Sydnee you will absolutely be missed, but the show must go on. And so I will still be bringing you the listeners content stories. Um, I will still be answering your questions. I really enjoy the questions that I get in exploring the various topics. So please keep sending in your questions. I am also looking at a few different options for bringing in an occasional guest host, but for now I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Occasionally Sydney and I will be releasing Q&A bonus episodes where we'll answer your questions and give you a personal shoutout.
Sydney Mitchell:If you have a comment or question regarding anything that we discuss, email us at info@ichatmediation.com that's info@ichatmediation.com and stay tuned to hear your shout out and have your question answered here on the show.
Matthew Brickman:For more information about my services or to schedule your mediation with me, either in person or using my iChat Mediation virtual platform built by Cisco Communications, visit me online@imediating.com. Call me at (561) 262-9121 toll free at 8 7 7 8 2 2 or MEChA mediation .